Welcome to Our Affiliate Program!

Join our affiliate program and earn rewards for spreading the word about the fastest-growing CRM & project management platform in Nepal.

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Referral Program

  • Join our referral program and start earning rewards!
  • Earn 10% on every referral's first payment.
  • Minimum payout is Rs500.00.
  • Earn a passive income for your user’s lifetime as long as they use the system with our industry-beating commission rate.

How It Works

  • Register for the Foolu CRM affiliate program.
  • Share your referral link with friends and colleagues.
  • When someone signs up using your link and makes payments, you earn 10% commissions on every payment.
  • Once your earnings reach Rs500.00, you can request a payout.

Please Do

  • Use branding from our brand page.
  • Place your affiliate link in blogs, comparisons, social media, etc.
  • Promote Fooltu with your link on social media channels.

Please DON'T

  • Use your affiliate link on sites with adult or illegal content.
  • Promote Fooltu without our branding guidelines.
  • Use fraudulent marketing tactics and abuse the program.